Tutorial: How to connect the Nova controller





Connect to Android device


1. With the controller powered off, press and hold the B+Home buttons for about 3 seconds until the 3rd and 4th indicators flash quickly, then release the buttons.

2. Open your mobile device's Bluetooth list and select GameSir-Nova G/W, then click Connect.

3. When the 3rd and 4th indicators remain solid, it indicates a successful connection.

Reconnection: If the controller mode remains unchanged, simply power on bypressing the controller's Home button next time to reconnect to the device.

*System Version Requirement: Android 8.0 or above.

Connect to iOS device


1. With the controller powered off, press and hold the X+Home buttons for about 3 seconds until the indicator rapidly cycles vertically, then release the buttons.

2. Open your mobile device's Bluetooth list and select Pro Controller, then click Connect.

3. A solid indicator indicates a successful connection.

Reconnection: If the controller mode remains unchanged, simply power on by pressing the controller's Home button next time to reconnect to the device.

* If you can't detect the controller's Bluetooth signal, try deleting Pro Controller from your mobile device's Bluetooth paired devices.

*System Version Requirment: iOS 16 or above.

Connect to Switch/Switch Lite


1. On the Switch main screen, go to Controllers, then select Change Grip/Order, and wait on this screen.

2. With the controller powered off, press and hold the X+Home buttons for about 3 seconds until the indicator rapidly cycles vertically. Release the buttons and wait for the connection.

3.The solid first indicator indicates a successful connection.

*Reconnection: lf the controller mode remains unchanged, simply power on by pressing the controller's Home button next time to wake up the device.

Connect to PC

a. Via cable

1. Use the provided Type-C cable to connect the controller to the PC.

2. After a successful connection, the controller's 2nd and 4th indicators will remain steady in white.

b. Via Bluetooth


1. With the controller powered off, press and hold the X+Home buttons for about 3 seconds until the indicators rapidly cycles vertically, then release the buttons.

2. Open the PC's Bluetooth list and select Pro Controller, then click connect.

* Reconnection: lf the controller mode remains unchanged, simply power on by pressing the controller's Home button next time to reconnect to the device.

* lf you can't detect the controller's Bluetooth signal, try deleting Pro Controller from your PC's Bluetooth paired devices.

* It requires mapping through Steam to play PC games.